Dear Friends:

Dear Friends,

CVAC has hosted an annual Memorial Service every year. Our hope is that we are able to honor your loved one with a written Memorial Tribute. Please click on the SUBMIT YOUR LOVED ONE’S NAME button if you still would like for us to remember them.

CVAC hopes you will join us in honoring your loved one with a written Memorial Tribute for next year. Please call, email, or mail in your name and telephone number, your loved one’s name, and a brief memorial tribute (less than 100 words) to:

  • Phone: (770) 333-9254, line 3
  • Email:
  • Mail: CVAC, 3101 Paces Mill Rd., Atlanta, GA 30339

We believe in restorative healing, and writing about your loved one is a way to cope with loss. With your permission, we will post your tribute on our website, and Facebook. We hope that honoring your loved one this way will help you as you continue along your healing path.

Additional information

Memorial Walls. Annually, the National Crime Victim’s Rights Week is in April. CVAC is hosting the Annual Memorial on the first Sunday afternoon during the National Crime Victim Rights Week. Please call for additional information. CVAC will display our Memorial Walls with the names of those murdered in Metro Atlanta from 1991 to 2024 in the CVAC office. You are welcome to visit and place a flower at the foot of the wall with your loved one’s name. Rev. Cook and others will be there to offer prayer and support. Please pay tribute to your loved one during this special week and stand united with crime survivors across the country. A makeup Memorial is tentatively scheduled for late fall of every year.

Support group. CVAC offers a support group session for crime survivors online through WEbEx on Tuesday evenings from 7:30-9:00 pm. We also provide spiritual healing and can assist you with filling out victim compensation claims, victim impact statements, and requests for victim notification. Please call us for an appointment.

Rev. Dr. Bruce Cook, Founder

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